Slaytanic Comeback
Philips Monsters of Rock festival,
Pacaembu Stadium, São Paulo, Brazil, Aug. 27, 1994
Razor Blade RB506
Given tracklisting: Correct tracklisting:
1. Hell Awaits 1. Hell Awaits
2. Antichrist [sic] 2. The Antichrist
3. Mind Control 3. Mind Control
4. Post Mortem [sic] 4. Postmortem
5. Raining Blood 5. Raining Blood
6. Altar Of Sacrifice 6. Altar Of Sacrifice
7. Jesus Saves 7. Jesus Saves
8. Captor Of Sin 8. Captor Of Sin
9. Season In The Abyss [sic] 9. Seasons In The Abyss
10. Mandatory Suicide 10. Mandatory Suicide
11. War Ensemble 11. War Ensemble
12. Angel Of Death 12. South Of Heaven/Angel Of Death

While the audio quality is fine, I don't find this to be a very interesting boot due to the considerable edits and loss of the live-show feeling. All of the stage banter has been removed except for a bit on track 11, and even then, you only get to hear Tom yell "War Ensemble!" and thank the crowd at the end of the song. A few songs don't have edits in-between because they flow right into one another, but otherwise, the set has been edited so each song starts right after the other. This is the same recording as the "From the Mixing Desk 94" bootleg CD and the first part of "Monsters of Rock: Brazil 94 & More."

Tom sings the last two lines of "Mind Control" twice (he accidentally sings them in the next-to-last verse).
